The scope of my internship has just been expanded to appropriate technology under the university of Amor from just water program development. It would appear as though God has planned for me to be here at Amor for a little while. Past January anyway... Come January I hope to be able to say that I am an employed salary worker here at Amor and that possibility has never looked more feasible.
I am so blessed to work at my dream job right out of college. I am so blessed to work at a place that values passion and a heart for God above years of experience and education. I am so blessed to work at a place that desires to impact PEOPLE for the kingdom of CHRIST. I am so blessed to work at a place that does not put dreams on hold simply because the economy is in recession.
On top of all that I received a huge compliment today from some of the people that I look up to most in this world. It is fantastic to know that simply by giving all to God in humility He will choose you to do His amazing work. I am neither qualified or anywhere near knowledgable enough but He has chosen me to work in some big ways here at Amor that will take the ministry to a whole different level of service. We are caring for God's children in hopes that we will eradicate spiritual and physical poverty in their lives.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Not Dead
So the experiment went well. I'm not dead or even sick. In fact the reason this update is so late is because I totally forgot that I even did such a crazy thing because I was feeling so well.
The pastor's meeting this month went really well and soon I will be making my way out to some work sites to ask families if they would want a water filter. Our pastors want to be our first test community so hopefully we will get a donation from Sawyer that will make that possible.
That's all the updates for now.
The pastor's meeting this month went really well and soon I will be making my way out to some work sites to ask families if they would want a water filter. Our pastors want to be our first test community so hopefully we will get a donation from Sawyer that will make that possible.
That's all the updates for now.
Friday, July 11, 2008
So today I decided to put my money where my mouth is. For those of you who have not heard yet about the most recent water filter we are looking at it is basically a camping filter that attaches to a tube and attaches to a bucket. It filters water well above and beyond EPA requirements which means that it is better than the water you drink from that bottle you're holding or from that tap you turned on a minute ago. It takes about two minutes to set up and has a lifetime guarantee. It filters 5 gallons of water in about 13 minutes which is enough water for one person in Mexico for five days and requires very little maintenance. Long story short; it's really freakin' amazing.
Anyway, so I decided that since I was going to Mexico today to take a group in I might as well take along my very portable and very small filter and test it out on some Mexico water. Since testing on humans without permission is usually frowned upon I decided to be the researcher and the very first subject. I set up my filter in less than a minute, grabbed some bad tombo water, filtered it, and took a couple big swigs. It smelled fine, tasted great, was the right color (clear), and hasn't made me sick yet... for results check back soon.
Also, some very big and very exciting ideas on the horizon for Amor and our ventures in appropriate technology. Still just in the ideas stage so I won't spill details now because there are none.
Here's hoping that soon I will be able to boast that Christ has impacted lives through this water program and it's implementation. Yet I can't help but think that God's timing is perfect and that He has a plan far greater than mine.
On diarrhea watch
Anyway, so I decided that since I was going to Mexico today to take a group in I might as well take along my very portable and very small filter and test it out on some Mexico water. Since testing on humans without permission is usually frowned upon I decided to be the researcher and the very first subject. I set up my filter in less than a minute, grabbed some bad tombo water, filtered it, and took a couple big swigs. It smelled fine, tasted great, was the right color (clear), and hasn't made me sick yet... for results check back soon.
Also, some very big and very exciting ideas on the horizon for Amor and our ventures in appropriate technology. Still just in the ideas stage so I won't spill details now because there are none.
Here's hoping that soon I will be able to boast that Christ has impacted lives through this water program and it's implementation. Yet I can't help but think that God's timing is perfect and that He has a plan far greater than mine.
On diarrhea watch
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The good ol' drawing board
So here's the deal. The Biosand filter is a really great idea for people who don't have access to clean drinking water. It's 90-99% effective after the biological layer forms, cheap to make, simple in design, use, and maintenance, uses local materials, lasts for upwards of twenty years, and is a very "appropriate technology". For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term "appropriate technology" it is a term used to describe products that are "designed with special consideration to the environmental, ethical, cultural, social and economical aspects of the community it is intended for. With these goals in mind, AT typically requires fewer resources, is easier to maintain, has a lower overall cost and less of an impact on the environment," (Wikipedia).
But what about people who do have access to clean drinking water as is the case in Mexico. Every community I have seen has small tiendas that sell purified water and if you have a car in Mexico you can drive to the local "machines" (water filter plant) and get purified water for even cheaper. Even the poorest of poor have access to this usually. Why would they want a filter that is not quite as effective as the purified water they can buy? Is the Biosand filter taking a step back, so to speak, for these families? Sure, they can save upwards of $300 per year with the filter but is that worth the risk of drinking water that is filtered but not purified like the stuff that can be bought? These are the questions that have been floating around between my ears for the past week.
A couple of things are abundantly clear. People are willing to THROW money at a program like this in a heart beat; that is clear. We have the ability and the knowledge to implement a program like this; that is also clear. We have the passion to carry out what we feel is God's work BUT... can we humble ourselves and make our hearts meet our heads? Can we be good stewards of what God has given us and objectively ask, "Is clean water what these families NEED?" Because if they need something other than clean water more then let's dedicate ourselves to that end and give them what THEY need not just what we want to give them so we feel better about ourselves.
Don't misunderstand. I still think there is a need for clean water in Mexico. I also think that every community is going to be different; some will want it and some will opt to continue to buy their water. Who knows, maybe this program is meant for South Africa more so than Mexico. Sometimes things don't always end up how we originally envisioned them but God has a tendency to make them end up even better. I know that this work will be used in some way because it will glorify God in its use.
Also very encouraging is this new technology that stumbled (was divinely placed) upon us. It is called the Sawyer Point One Filter . It resembles filters that campers take with them into the wilderness. It uses hollow fiber membrane filter technology which is the same technology used in kidney dialysis. Sawyer is a company that is owned by Christians whose daughter came on an Amor trip years ago. Since then they have been donating all kinds of thing to use including bug spray and sunscreen. If you frequent REI you may have heard of them.
They have managed to adapt one of their featured camping filters to hook up to a bucket to be used in developing countries. It exceeds EPA requirements in it's removal of pathogens making it more effective than the Biosand filter (and U.S. tap and bottled water for that matter), comes in a small package, includes everything needed to assemble the filter except the bucket, is affordable, requires no labor, and takes about two minutes to set up. Oh, did I mention that it has a 1 MILLION gallon guarantee and has been lab and field tested extensively? That's right...1 MILLION. A typical person in Mexico uses about 1 gallon of drinking water per day. A family of 7 could have all the drinking water they need for 392 YEARS! And the flow rate is extremely fast as well. This thing can pump out a person's water for the whole week in 20 minutes. Seems like the miracle filter, right? We shall see if Mexican families can get over the obvious mental block they have about drinking from a faucet or a tombo even if it does come through a filter. If no families accept and use the technology then it is pointless. God your will be done.
Passionately her Savior's
But what about people who do have access to clean drinking water as is the case in Mexico. Every community I have seen has small tiendas that sell purified water and if you have a car in Mexico you can drive to the local "machines" (water filter plant) and get purified water for even cheaper. Even the poorest of poor have access to this usually. Why would they want a filter that is not quite as effective as the purified water they can buy? Is the Biosand filter taking a step back, so to speak, for these families? Sure, they can save upwards of $300 per year with the filter but is that worth the risk of drinking water that is filtered but not purified like the stuff that can be bought? These are the questions that have been floating around between my ears for the past week.
A couple of things are abundantly clear. People are willing to THROW money at a program like this in a heart beat; that is clear. We have the ability and the knowledge to implement a program like this; that is also clear. We have the passion to carry out what we feel is God's work BUT... can we humble ourselves and make our hearts meet our heads? Can we be good stewards of what God has given us and objectively ask, "Is clean water what these families NEED?" Because if they need something other than clean water more then let's dedicate ourselves to that end and give them what THEY need not just what we want to give them so we feel better about ourselves.
Don't misunderstand. I still think there is a need for clean water in Mexico. I also think that every community is going to be different; some will want it and some will opt to continue to buy their water. Who knows, maybe this program is meant for South Africa more so than Mexico. Sometimes things don't always end up how we originally envisioned them but God has a tendency to make them end up even better. I know that this work will be used in some way because it will glorify God in its use.
Also very encouraging is this new technology that stumbled (was divinely placed) upon us. It is called the Sawyer Point One Filter . It resembles filters that campers take with them into the wilderness. It uses hollow fiber membrane filter technology which is the same technology used in kidney dialysis. Sawyer is a company that is owned by Christians whose daughter came on an Amor trip years ago. Since then they have been donating all kinds of thing to use including bug spray and sunscreen. If you frequent REI you may have heard of them.
They have managed to adapt one of their featured camping filters to hook up to a bucket to be used in developing countries. It exceeds EPA requirements in it's removal of pathogens making it more effective than the Biosand filter (and U.S. tap and bottled water for that matter), comes in a small package, includes everything needed to assemble the filter except the bucket, is affordable, requires no labor, and takes about two minutes to set up. Oh, did I mention that it has a 1 MILLION gallon guarantee and has been lab and field tested extensively? That's right...1 MILLION. A typical person in Mexico uses about 1 gallon of drinking water per day. A family of 7 could have all the drinking water they need for 392 YEARS! And the flow rate is extremely fast as well. This thing can pump out a person's water for the whole week in 20 minutes. Seems like the miracle filter, right? We shall see if Mexican families can get over the obvious mental block they have about drinking from a faucet or a tombo even if it does come through a filter. If no families accept and use the technology then it is pointless. God your will be done.
Passionately her Savior's
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
In case you are wondering why I do what I do...
1 billion people all over the world live with out access to clean water including the 13 million living in Mexico's border regions. 2.4 billion worldwide are without proper drainage and sanitation. I know how much our economy is suffering from high gas prices, I drive 20 minutes to work myself, but when I see these staggering numbers I can't help but think that I know nothing of suffering.
Jesus, this is my prayer. I know that this earth is but a shadow of your Kingdom to come yet "on earth as it is in heaven". Let us be your instruments to lead them to streams of living water and wipe away every tear. Daddy, they are thirsty. Can I have some of your good water to give them?
The training and the work that I have put in so far at Amor has been featured on the founder's (Scott) blog page. Check it out.
Having no water sucks > Having no gas
1 billion people all over the world live with out access to clean water including the 13 million living in Mexico's border regions. 2.4 billion worldwide are without proper drainage and sanitation. I know how much our economy is suffering from high gas prices, I drive 20 minutes to work myself, but when I see these staggering numbers I can't help but think that I know nothing of suffering.
16"Never again will they hunger;
never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat upon them,
nor any scorching heat.
17For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
he will lead them to springs of living water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
- Revelation 7:16-17
9"This, then, is how you should pray:
" 'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
11Give us today our daily bread.
- Matthew 6:9-11
Jesus, this is my prayer. I know that this earth is but a shadow of your Kingdom to come yet "on earth as it is in heaven". Let us be your instruments to lead them to streams of living water and wipe away every tear. Daddy, they are thirsty. Can I have some of your good water to give them?
The training and the work that I have put in so far at Amor has been featured on the founder's (Scott) blog page. Check it out.
Having no water sucks > Having no gas
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Full time
Day 2 of full time status. Life is awesome. Lookin' forward to that pay check.
The lead in I did last night to Rosarito was beautiful. I got to take the toll road back to the border. It runs right along the coast and the view is inexplicably gorgeous. On the left there is about a three foot shoulder between the road and the sheer cliff drop off which leads your eyes down to white, foamy waves crashing on the giant rocks. The setting sun makes the water look just like a disco ball when the dance floor is packed and the lights are hitting it from every direction. Huge pelicans float across the string of horizon as though they were being strung like popcorn for the Christmas tree. The colors are so vibrant you start to wonder if you have ever really seen color before this moment.
And then you look to the right. Huge mansions pop up out of the jungle of four wall, tarp roof shanties like weeds. The contrast of extreme poverty and extreme wealth living so close in proximity still gets me to this day. I don't understand it. Maybe never will. What I do understand is that God gives the beauty of His creation equally to all. The glistening water doesn't look at the people in the shacks and say, "Oh, you're poor. I not going to glisten as brightly." I wish I could say that if it was me living in those mansions that I would give generously to my neighbors but I can't. I don't know what I'd do; I've never been in that place and so it's important, when faced with so much poverty every time I travel to Mexico, for me to remember that God is not withholding His beauty and love from the rich people living in mansions any more than He is withholding His beauty from the poorest of poor so neither should I.
The lead in I did last night to Rosarito was beautiful. I got to take the toll road back to the border. It runs right along the coast and the view is inexplicably gorgeous. On the left there is about a three foot shoulder between the road and the sheer cliff drop off which leads your eyes down to white, foamy waves crashing on the giant rocks. The setting sun makes the water look just like a disco ball when the dance floor is packed and the lights are hitting it from every direction. Huge pelicans float across the string of horizon as though they were being strung like popcorn for the Christmas tree. The colors are so vibrant you start to wonder if you have ever really seen color before this moment.
And then you look to the right. Huge mansions pop up out of the jungle of four wall, tarp roof shanties like weeds. The contrast of extreme poverty and extreme wealth living so close in proximity still gets me to this day. I don't understand it. Maybe never will. What I do understand is that God gives the beauty of His creation equally to all. The glistening water doesn't look at the people in the shacks and say, "Oh, you're poor. I not going to glisten as brightly." I wish I could say that if it was me living in those mansions that I would give generously to my neighbors but I can't. I don't know what I'd do; I've never been in that place and so it's important, when faced with so much poverty every time I travel to Mexico, for me to remember that God is not withholding His beauty and love from the rich people living in mansions any more than He is withholding His beauty from the poorest of poor so neither should I.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Rosarito Please!!!
Heading off to Rosarito on Wednesday to help with the Amor store. I'll think of you all as I'm eating delicious carne asada tacos from Yaqui's. Haha! I LOVE MY JOB!!!
But that's not all I'll be doing this week. I'll be very busy putting together a cost sheet of the materials needed to build a filter, planning the pastor's training coming up in July, and planning the pilot project that will be happening no later than this spring but maybe as early as this winter. I should have no trouble trying to fill my hours as a full time intern.
I was just thinking this morning on my way to work how blessed I am to work at a place that keeps me busy with meaningful work but doesn't over work me so that I can never have a life. I love that I get to do stuff that has an eternal purpose and love the people I do it with.
But that's not all I'll be doing this week. I'll be very busy putting together a cost sheet of the materials needed to build a filter, planning the pastor's training coming up in July, and planning the pilot project that will be happening no later than this spring but maybe as early as this winter. I should have no trouble trying to fill my hours as a full time intern.
I was just thinking this morning on my way to work how blessed I am to work at a place that keeps me busy with meaningful work but doesn't over work me so that I can never have a life. I love that I get to do stuff that has an eternal purpose and love the people I do it with.
Friday, June 20, 2008
After some back and forths on my full time status as an intern here at Amor, it is FINALLY official! I signed the papers yesterday to be a full time intern at Amor until Janruary. Times have been stressful lately
but I know they had to be that way for God to accomplish in me what He set out to do through this time in my life. I had to be in a place that was hard to trust God in, I had to have doubts and worries, I had to struggle so that I learned true trust. I can't even describe to you the feeling of peace that I have knowing that I am right where God intended for me all along even though I didn't always know it. Sometimes I reflect on my life and where God has taken me so far and realize that my life could have looked very different if I had made some different choices; not bad...just different. It's weird to think that, even though God gave me free will to make those choices, He always knew what I would choose and was not surprised.

Some exciting things have happened this week down here in Mexidego (Mexico-San Diego)! We had a meeting with the pastors that Amor works with in Mexico yesterday about the water project and they are all very excited and ready to support it. They are a crucial element to the success of this program so I'm super stoked that they want to be deeply invested. Today we had a small group of people from each department get together and brainstorm for the best method and place to do a test project. Some good thoughts were put on the table and we are forging ahead in a good direction as a result of that "meeting of the minds". From u
p top (Scott and Gayla) we have the orders to have a test project going by SPRING '09.

Things are moving forward and I thank you all for your prayers and support. Please keep me in your prayers and when you get those stimulus checks or tax returns... haha!...But really, if you want to do something cool for the Kingdom of God with that money please pray about investing in me and the water project.
Living my share of the abundant life,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Remember how I told you I was out of the woods? I was wrong. Don't worry though God is still doing amazing things! I still have my internship and there is even talk about a job after my internship ends! How amazing!
When I say that I am not out of the woods what I mean is that the week after the filter training was filled with trials. I moved out of my home of 3 years, someone backed into my car, I got fired from my part time job at the Coffee Bean, I got pulled over for not having current reistration stickers, my dad told me he is withdrawing support in August, and got a jury duty summons. I felt like I was getting sucker punched by real, no...real life was kickin' my butt. Every time I tried to stand up, I fell. every time I tried to talk, I cried. But through it all I leaned in closer and closer to God. He gave me strength to stand up underneath it all and my trust in Him soared.
Which brings me back to the title of this post. Is God safe? Is God tame? NO!!!! BUT...He is good. I also began to see that even though I was having a hard time of it, I was not the only person in the world suffering. God gave me empathy for others pain and a wider perspective on my own present sufferings. I saw that God would do what was best for me even if what was best for me was to get thrown around by life a little. He knew it would steady me on Him instead of this world and even though it pained Him to see me hurt, it gave Him great joy to see me respond with even an ounce of maturity and humility.
Which brings me back to the title of this blog. God was leading me by still waters even though everything around me was being tossed, turned, and upheaved. I am learning this new dance with God and, for a while, I was trying to lead a dance I didn't even know. I messed up, got stepped on, and frustrated but when I finally remembered that God had me in His hand and that He knew where we were going I began to trust and follow.
I'm now moved into a new home with three other amazing girls, waiting for the insurance claim on my car to be processed, getting re CPR certified to become a private swim coach, the proud owner of new reistration stickers and no ticket, still pulling in support until August, and having jury duty postponed. My life is not perfect and I'm tired of smiling and pretending that it is but I know that God will finish the work He began in me.
A hard life walking next to and filled with God is still better than an easy, empty life
Kamar "Venetian" Chafi
When I say that I am not out of the woods what I mean is that the week after the filter training was filled with trials. I moved out of my home of 3 years, someone backed into my car, I got fired from my part time job at the Coffee Bean, I got pulled over for not having current reistration stickers, my dad told me he is withdrawing support in August, and got a jury duty summons. I felt like I was getting sucker punched by real, no...real life was kickin' my butt. Every time I tried to stand up, I fell. every time I tried to talk, I cried. But through it all I leaned in closer and closer to God. He gave me strength to stand up underneath it all and my trust in Him soared.
Which brings me back to the title of this post. Is God safe? Is God tame? NO!!!! BUT...He is good. I also began to see that even though I was having a hard time of it, I was not the only person in the world suffering. God gave me empathy for others pain and a wider perspective on my own present sufferings. I saw that God would do what was best for me even if what was best for me was to get thrown around by life a little. He knew it would steady me on Him instead of this world and even though it pained Him to see me hurt, it gave Him great joy to see me respond with even an ounce of maturity and humility.
Which brings me back to the title of this blog. God was leading me by still waters even though everything around me was being tossed, turned, and upheaved. I am learning this new dance with God and, for a while, I was trying to lead a dance I didn't even know. I messed up, got stepped on, and frustrated but when I finally remembered that God had me in His hand and that He knew where we were going I began to trust and follow.
I'm now moved into a new home with three other amazing girls, waiting for the insurance claim on my car to be processed, getting re CPR certified to become a private swim coach, the proud owner of new reistration stickers and no ticket, still pulling in support until August, and having jury duty postponed. My life is not perfect and I'm tired of smiling and pretending that it is but I know that God will finish the work He began in me.
A hard life walking next to and filled with God is still better than an easy, empty life
Kamar "Venetian" Chafi
Friday, May 30, 2008
Behold! God is doing a new thing!
This week we had Matt, Mike, and Barb (missionary family) from Cup of Hope come down to Mexico to help us build some Biosand filters. We had training day yesterday and a class of 11 comprised of members from Canyon View and Amor came out to get their hands dirty. We have been so blessed by Matt and his mom and dad. They flew out to San Diego from Colorado, stayed four days, hooked us up with a mold to use for free, unofficially adopted me, and gave us everything we need to make this dream a reality free of cost.
Also, today the board members of Amor were in the office and Scott got the chance to share with them pictures and information about the water training and some ideas we had. They got so excited that they cleared me to stay on for the rest of the year as an intern and are willing to support me almost fully so that a lot of my costs will be covered. My costs for the rest of the year are $10,000 and I have committed to raising $2,000. The rest is getting covered by the board. How good is God?!!!
I'm also moving today, tomorrow, and Sunday.
I feel like real life is starting. It hasn't all sunk in completely but it feels good. God's timing is perfect even though sometimes it seems like He's running late. I'm through the hard times finally but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I've grown to know God in the past three weeks in a way that I haven't known Him yet and could not have known Him if it weren't for a few hard times.
Job: Check
Place to live: Check
Degree: Check
Friends: Check
Life: Check
Say hello to the, now, full time water project intern at Amor,
Kamar 85D
This week we had Matt, Mike, and Barb (missionary family) from Cup of Hope come down to Mexico to help us build some Biosand filters. We had training day yesterday and a class of 11 comprised of members from Canyon View and Amor came out to get their hands dirty. We have been so blessed by Matt and his mom and dad. They flew out to San Diego from Colorado, stayed four days, hooked us up with a mold to use for free, unofficially adopted me, and gave us everything we need to make this dream a reality free of cost.
Also, today the board members of Amor were in the office and Scott got the chance to share with them pictures and information about the water training and some ideas we had. They got so excited that they cleared me to stay on for the rest of the year as an intern and are willing to support me almost fully so that a lot of my costs will be covered. My costs for the rest of the year are $10,000 and I have committed to raising $2,000. The rest is getting covered by the board. How good is God?!!!
I'm also moving today, tomorrow, and Sunday.
I feel like real life is starting. It hasn't all sunk in completely but it feels good. God's timing is perfect even though sometimes it seems like He's running late. I'm through the hard times finally but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I've grown to know God in the past three weeks in a way that I haven't known Him yet and could not have known Him if it weren't for a few hard times.
Job: Check
Place to live: Check
Degree: Check
Friends: Check
Life: Check
Say hello to the, now, full time water project intern at Amor,
Kamar 85D
Monday, May 19, 2008
Begining of the end or the end of the begining
Biosand water filter training scheduled for May 29th. Very excited.
Days 'til graduation: 4
Days 'til graduation: 4
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
For those of you who still haven't heard, a giant drug bust (operation "sudden fall") finished yesterday at SDSU. The arrests were in the 90s of which about 75 were SDSU students. Six fraternities were suspended and many of their members were among those arrested.
For anyone still wondering why ADX and AGO does not allow the use of drugs and alcohol, the answer should be clear now in light of these events. This is why we must look and act so different from everyone else.
We cannot act like darkness and expect to be called light.
To warrant the name of light and Christ we must look like light and like Christ.
Props to President Weber, the DEA, and SDSU police.
Days 'til finals are over: 6
Days 'til graduation: 16
For anyone still wondering why ADX and AGO does not allow the use of drugs and alcohol, the answer should be clear now in light of these events. This is why we must look and act so different from everyone else.
We cannot act like darkness and expect to be called light.
To warrant the name of light and Christ we must look like light and like Christ.
Props to President Weber, the DEA, and SDSU police.
Days 'til finals are over: 6
Days 'til graduation: 16
Monday, May 5, 2008
Tentative training with Cup of Hope is the weekend of May 31st. No promises people just puttin' down my thoughts.
Some more support has come in. I've gotten $350.00 so far. Still need $1050 by May 15th. That's in ten days. I know God can do it. He is the king exalted high on the throne and what He wants goes. I know that He wants me at Amor so I know He will make it happen.
ADX banquet was great. I only cried a little. Way to go Jag! The place was beautiful!
Days 'til graduation: 18 short blessed days
Some more support has come in. I've gotten $350.00 so far. Still need $1050 by May 15th. That's in ten days. I know God can do it. He is the king exalted high on the throne and what He wants goes. I know that He wants me at Amor so I know He will make it happen.
ADX banquet was great. I only cried a little. Way to go Jag! The place was beautiful!
Days 'til graduation: 18 short blessed days
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
No Title Needed
So in addition to a local church wanting to partner with us, Cup of Hope called us today and they also want to partner with us. A guy that used to come on Amor trips started the organization with the primary thought of partnering with us. He has already had the training that CAWST provides and is certified to give the training to others. He wants to train us for free. FREE! It doesn't get cheaper than that. In addition his organization would be a partner with us so it wouldn't just be a fly by training but they would actually be around for the implementation of the program.
Days 'til banquet: 10
Days 'til graduation: 30
Watch for those support letters : )
Kamar "Venetian" Chafi
There might be a position opening up designed for me at Amor. We'll see. Keep praying.
God is so good...haha...FREE!!!!Days 'til banquet: 10
Days 'til graduation: 30
Watch for those support letters : )
Kamar "Venetian" Chafi
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Meeting went very well on Friday. A new position just for me is being proposed. Thoughts? WOW!!!!!!! God is RAD!
God sighting: A class to train organizations on how to implement clean water programs that I wanted to take but couldn't because of the expense is now miraculously in reach. Sheri's husband's church wants to partner with us and pay to have an expert come and give us hands on training. Answer to pray? Well if it isn't, then I don't know what is.
Stay posted. More exciting news to come. Also, check out Scott's blog at for an update on South Africa and some really inspiring pics.
13 days 'til banquet
33 days 'til graduation
God sighting: A class to train organizations on how to implement clean water programs that I wanted to take but couldn't because of the expense is now miraculously in reach. Sheri's husband's church wants to partner with us and pay to have an expert come and give us hands on training. Answer to pray? Well if it isn't, then I don't know what is.
Stay posted. More exciting news to come. Also, check out Scott's blog at for an update on South Africa and some really inspiring pics.
13 days 'til banquet
33 days 'til graduation
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Peace from the Spirit was abundant today. I've been stressin' lately about...well I guess there isn't really anything that I haven't been stressing about lately but mainly where I'm going to live starting June 1st comes to mind as a major stressor. Today was much better. I was again, graciously, confirmed in God's plan for me after I graduate. I really identified with the apostles on the road to Emaus. Even though they knew what God had promised them they were freaking out because the situation they were in made the promise seem impossible. I know God knows everything about me and my situation and I know He won't leave me high and dry. Not only that but He has plans that far exceed anything that I could ever imagine.
I have a meeting with my supervisor and the founder of Amor on Friday. Hopefully we will solidify plans and move forward with eagerness. Now that Amor is building in South Africa the realization of the water program is desired even more. The battle against infectious disease across the world will be accomplished when the war against poverty and lack of clean water and sanitation is won.
Days 'til graduation: 37
Days 'til banquet: 17
God knows the plans...let Him drive
I have a meeting with my supervisor and the founder of Amor on Friday. Hopefully we will solidify plans and move forward with eagerness. Now that Amor is building in South Africa the realization of the water program is desired even more. The battle against infectious disease across the world will be accomplished when the war against poverty and lack of clean water and sanitation is won.
Days 'til graduation: 37
Days 'til banquet: 17
God knows the plans...let Him drive
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tanning, homework, and pilates
Bad news: Didn't go in today to the internship. Had a group presentation to work on. Boo. But I got some errands done. All in all a boring day but the lovely Mustang made the drudgery bearable with her presence.
Good news: Dink responded to my banquet invitation with a hearty SI! Operation twerk it for banquet and graduation is in full force. Would you like to jump to a level 4 tanning bed today? Why, yes, I would thank you.
Whiten those teeth, tan those bodies, and work out those love handles for the special upcoming events; banquets, graduations, and weddings! Oh, my!
Days 'til graduation: 39
Days 'til banquet: 19
Good news: Dink responded to my banquet invitation with a hearty SI! Operation twerk it for banquet and graduation is in full force. Would you like to jump to a level 4 tanning bed today? Why, yes, I would thank you.
Whiten those teeth, tan those bodies, and work out those love handles for the special upcoming events; banquets, graduations, and weddings! Oh, my!
Days 'til graduation: 39
Days 'til banquet: 19
Saturday, April 12, 2008
If you're bored tonight like me then you should race over to Alpha house for a... PIT PARTY!!!!!! That's right. Later tonight a vicious game of pit will commence at our house. There is no more pure form of entertainment than card games and this card game trumps them all.
Good fun. Maybe some funny youtube videos will follow.
Escue me. Can I talk to you fo' a minute?
P.S. Have you seen The Office Dinner Party episode? You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be moved.
Good fun. Maybe some funny youtube videos will follow.
Escue me. Can I talk to you fo' a minute?
P.S. Have you seen The Office Dinner Party episode? You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be moved.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Life is full of firsts. Ya know. Like the first time you ride a bike, the first time you blow a bubble with your gum, your first whistle etc. Well, this is my first blog post. I caught the blog fever. So sue me. I always catch on eventually.
This blog will be mainly about the happenings at my internship with Amor Ministries. There are some exciting things going on there that I just can't cram into a monthly newsletter. It is my express desire to glorify God and inspire others to chase daylight with this blog.
"The light of mankind shines only when moving forward to engage the darkness."
The Perils of Ayden
Chasing Daylight
Chasing Daylight
This blog will be mainly about the happenings at my internship with Amor Ministries. There are some exciting things going on there that I just can't cram into a monthly newsletter. It is my express desire to glorify God and inspire others to chase daylight with this blog.
"The light of mankind shines only when moving forward to engage the darkness."
The Perils of Ayden
Chasing Daylight
Chasing Daylight
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