Wednesday, June 25, 2008

In case you are wondering why I do what I do...

1 billion people all over the world live with out access to clean water including the 13 million living in Mexico's border regions. 2.4 billion worldwide are without proper drainage and sanitation. I know how much our economy is suffering from high gas prices, I drive 20 minutes to work myself, but when I see these staggering numbers I can't help but think that I know nothing of suffering.

16"Never again will they hunger;
never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat upon them,
nor any scorching heat.
17For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
he will lead them to springs of living water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
- Revelation 7:16-17

9"This, then, is how you should pray:
" 'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
11Give us today our daily bread.
- Matthew 6:9-11

Jesus, this is my prayer. I know that this earth is but a shadow of your Kingdom to come yet "on earth as it is in heaven". Let us be your instruments to lead them to streams of living water and wipe away every tear. Daddy, they are thirsty. Can I have some of your good water to give them?

The training and the work that I have put in so far at Amor has been featured on the founder's (Scott) blog page. Check it out.

Having no water sucks > Having no gas

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Full time

Day 2 of full time status. Life is awesome. Lookin' forward to that pay check.

The lead in I did last night to Rosarito was beautiful. I got to take the toll road back to the border. It runs right along the coast and the view is inexplicably gorgeous. On the left there is about a three foot shoulder between the road and the sheer cliff drop off which leads your eyes down to white, foamy waves crashing on the giant rocks. The setting sun makes the water look just like a disco ball when the dance floor is packed and the lights are hitting it from every direction. Huge pelicans float across the string of horizon as though they were being strung like popcorn for the Christmas tree. The colors are so vibrant you start to wonder if you have ever really seen color before this moment.

And then you look to the right. Huge mansions pop up out of the jungle of four wall, tarp roof shanties like weeds. The contrast of extreme poverty and extreme wealth living so close in proximity still gets me to this day. I don't understand it. Maybe never will. What I do understand is that God gives the beauty of His creation equally to all. The glistening water doesn't look at the people in the shacks and say, "Oh, you're poor. I not going to glisten as brightly." I wish I could say that if it was me living in those mansions that I would give generously to my neighbors but I can't. I don't know what I'd do; I've never been in that place and so it's important, when faced with so much poverty every time I travel to Mexico, for me to remember that God is not withholding His beauty and love from the rich people living in mansions any more than He is withholding His beauty from the poorest of poor so neither should I.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Rosarito Please!!!

Heading off to Rosarito on Wednesday to help with the Amor store. I'll think of you all as I'm eating delicious carne asada tacos from Yaqui's. Haha! I LOVE MY JOB!!!

But that's not all I'll be doing this week. I'll be very busy putting together a cost sheet of the materials needed to build a filter, planning the pastor's training coming up in July, and planning the pilot project that will be happening no later than this spring but maybe as early as this winter. I should have no trouble trying to fill my hours as a full time intern.

I was just thinking this morning on my way to work how blessed I am to work at a place that keeps me busy with meaningful work but doesn't over work me so that I can never have a life. I love that I get to do stuff that has an eternal purpose and love the people I do it with.


Friday, June 20, 2008


After some back and forths on my full time status as an intern here at Amor, it is FINALLY official! I signed the papers yesterday to be a full time intern at Amor until Janruary. Times have been stressful lately but I know they had to be that way for God to accomplish in me what He set out to do through this time in my life. I had to be in a place that was hard to trust God in, I had to have doubts and worries, I had to struggle so that I learned true trust. I can't even describe to you the feeling of peace that I have knowing that I am right where God intended for me all along even though I didn't always know it. Sometimes I reflect on my life and where God has taken me so far and realize that my life could have looked very different if I had made some different choices; not bad...just different. It's weird to think that, even though God gave me free will to make those choices, He always knew what I would choose and was not surprised.

Some exciting things have happened this week down here in Mexidego (Mexico-San Diego)! We had a meeting with the pastors that Amor works with in Mexico yesterday about the water project and they are all very excited and ready to support it. They are a crucial element to the success of this program so I'm super stoked that they want to be deeply invested. Today we had a small group of people from each department get together and brainstorm for the best method and place to do a test project. Some good thoughts were put on the table and we are forging ahead in a good direction as a result of that "meeting of the minds". From up top (Scott and Gayla) we have the orders to have a test project going by SPRING '09.

Things are moving forward and I thank you all for your prayers and support. Please keep me in your prayers and when you get those stimulus checks or tax returns... haha!...But really, if you want to do something cool for the Kingdom of God with that money please pray about investing in me and the water project.

Living my share of the abundant life,


Thursday, June 12, 2008


Remember how I told you I was out of the woods? I was wrong. Don't worry though God is still doing amazing things! I still have my internship and there is even talk about a job after my internship ends! How amazing!

When I say that I am not out of the woods what I mean is that the week after the filter training was filled with trials. I moved out of my home of 3 years, someone backed into my car, I got fired from my part time job at the Coffee Bean, I got pulled over for not having current reistration stickers, my dad told me he is withdrawing support in August, and got a jury duty summons. I felt like I was getting sucker punched by real, no...real life was kickin' my butt. Every time I tried to stand up, I fell. every time I tried to talk, I cried. But through it all I leaned in closer and closer to God. He gave me strength to stand up underneath it all and my trust in Him soared.

Which brings me back to the title of this post. Is God safe? Is God tame? NO!!!! BUT...He is good. I also began to see that even though I was having a hard time of it, I was not the only person in the world suffering. God gave me empathy for others pain and a wider perspective on my own present sufferings. I saw that God would do what was best for me even if what was best for me was to get thrown around by life a little. He knew it would steady me on Him instead of this world and even though it pained Him to see me hurt, it gave Him great joy to see me respond with even an ounce of maturity and humility.

Which brings me back to the title of this blog. God was leading me by still waters even though everything around me was being tossed, turned, and upheaved. I am learning this new dance with God and, for a while, I was trying to lead a dance I didn't even know. I messed up, got stepped on, and frustrated but when I finally remembered that God had me in His hand and that He knew where we were going I began to trust and follow.

I'm now moved into a new home with three other amazing girls, waiting for the insurance claim on my car to be processed, getting re CPR certified to become a private swim coach, the proud owner of new reistration stickers and no ticket, still pulling in support until August, and having jury duty postponed. My life is not perfect and I'm tired of smiling and pretending that it is but I know that God will finish the work He began in me.

A hard life walking next to and filled with God is still better than an easy, empty life
Kamar "Venetian" Chafi